Monday, February 29, 2016
Bloodstream Sermon by Bodhidharma
“Beyond this mind you’ll never find another buddha. To search for enlightenment or nirvana (heaven) beyond this mind is impossible. The reality of your own self-nature, the absence of cause and effect, is what’s meant by mind. Your mind is nirvana (heaven). You might think you can find a buddha or enlightenment somewhere beyond the mind, but such a place does not exist.
Trying to find buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space. Space has a name but no form. It’s not something you can pick up or put down. And you certainly can’t grab it. Beyond this mind you’ll never see a buddha. The buddha is a product of your own mind. Why look for a buddha beyond this mind?”
(Extract from The Bloodstream Sermon of Bodhidharma, translated by Red Pine)